Answer:A possible way is that new or expert XES users looks for a compatible set of parameters for their data, download them, and then use them in their data. If this does not work or might have additional questions, the users might post them in the discussion forums.
    Answer:This site provides a discussion-forum about peak-fitting analysis of XES data for each core level of each element. When you click on one element of the periodic table, its corresponding core levels displays; you can then click any of them to join the discussion. You can do this by posting questions or providing answers or comments to other users’ posts.
      Answer:If the post contains data, you can download it with a click. You can then post your suggested fit as a comment to the original post.
        Answer:Since this site is based on users’ contribution, some specific forums might still be empty, and you might be the first to post on it.
          Answer:This site contains posts with peak-fitting examples of XES data for each core level of each element under different chemical environments. New XES users might find one fit that looks applicable to their data; they then might download the parameters with one click to employ them.
            Answer:The posts in the database were initially posted in the corresponding Discussion Forums site, but later promoted to the database site by the discussion forum moderator. You can download the parameters of a specific fit to try them in your data.
              Answer:Since this site is based on users’ contribution. For a core-level some specific forums might be still empty, and you might be the first one to post on it.
                Answer:It cannot be done directly; however, a moderator of a discussion forum might promote your post to the database. The criteria for this promotion are the quality of the data, fit, and of the detailed description contained in the post. If one of your post is promoted to the database, you will be requested to edit the post to add a reference to your work, so the user employing your fitting parameters could cite you.
                  Answer:The objective of the site is that new users could find in the database a set of parameters that could be used to fit their data. They could then cite your work and the specific post.
                    Answer:You will first need to earn enough Spicer points to reach the “Expert Peak-Fitting Analyst” category. Then, you could request it to one of the administrators. It is possible to skip all that if one of the administrators invite you.
                      Answer:The Spicer points can be accumulated through an active involvement in the discussions of the forums. They are named in honour to William Eduard Spicer, one of the founders of photoemission spectroscopy. The mechanisms for earning Spicer points are the following:
                      • the likes given to your posts by other users
                      • the promotion of one of your post to the database site, and
                      • the promotion of your reply to one of the posts as the preferred answer.
                      Answer:Yes, and it will remain free in the foreseeable future.
                        Answer:We are constantly improving AAnalyzer. When the software reaches certain point, it will not expire or will last much longer (currently, only six months).
                          Answer:There are many ways:
                          • By actively participating in the discussion forums.
                          • By answering questions posted by new XES users.
                          • By uploading high quality fits that could be promoted to the database.
                          • By promoting the site to other XES users.
                          • Etc.
                          Answer:There are many ways:
                          • By posting questions in the AAnalyzer user’s forum.
                          • By suggesting improvements to AAnalyzer in the AAnalyzer user’s forum.
                          • By creating clips about how to operate AAnalyzer (we would then upload it in the YouTube channel of RDATAA).
                          • Etc.